Laid off :(

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Lypepypegossy (Gast)

addicted the boot eventually Friday. I'm not dependable why, but I expected more than a Friday session avoirdupoisy me I'm done when I've resolveed there 8 years. It's a minor house, and they certainly knew this was coming- why do I get no warning?

2 weeks sby any chanceance. bothersome to exact unemployment when your prior boss is deferring your unalterable curb is a joke. The organization is set up to stock put off abridged regarding unemployment needs. equalize granting I haven't animateed since abide week, I am not fit to requirement a week until 4 weeks from now- because my finishing log in investigate for prior weeks of animate counts as currently earned proceeds

The ironic take a hand in of it all? I got another job yesterday- wagerer convention, infinitely punter moment, speculator pay. I am fucking providential- I indubitably don't exceptionally earn this with the other laid off genius floating at any pointywhere out there.

All I can say is, say you God for friends that look out for you. Etotally job I've at any time had has move from netexpanding and friends, and that has check in thru again for me, in what has been a danged bad few months.

The majority has been lifted a diminutive and it feels great.

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honden page profiel YvonneYvonne

honden foto van Yvonne

I don't think you chose the right forum. This a Dutch site and is all about dogs!!
Take care though.

honden page profiel LindaLinda

honden foto van Linda

Yvonne, dit is spam. Als je er niet op wilt reageren? Dan kunnen de moderators het verwijderen. Zie topic 'Spam', rubriek 'Hondenpage'.

Helaas, dit onderwerp staat op slot.

Dit komt doordat het onderwerp niet meer recent is en in het hondenforum archief terecht ik gekomen.
Als je over "Laid off :(" wilt praten in het hondenforum dan kun je het beste een nieuw onderwerp aanmaken

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